Dear friends,
I am very saddened to announce that the former F3 Helicopter S/C Chairman and CIAM Bureau member, Horace Hagen passed away this week.
Cancellation of the 2022 FAI F3CN European Championships
After a sad and unfortunate 2020 and with an eye on a hopeful 2021.
The members of the F3CN Helicopter Subcommittee wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Protect yourselves and have good flights.
Günter Wachsmuth, passed away on May 27, 2020.
I participate in the 1st 1984 European Championship held in Eibergen - Netherlands.
He was also German Champion
There are no words to describe the great loss, which we will all surely find missing in the next competition.
From here we want to offer condolences to his family and his son Stefan
Dear friends,
Yesterday CIAM Bureau members met via teleconference and discussed the current situation with COVID-19 outbreak and the various options or alternatives.
Considering the current situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and in order to protect the health and safety of the entire CIAM community, we regret to announce that all CIAM sanctioned events are suspended as of tomorrow, for 30 days i.e. from Monday, 16 March 2020 until Monday, 20 April 2020.
CIAM Bureau will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will evaluate the options for the continuation or not of the scheduled events after the suspension period. We will issue a new announcement in due time.
The Aeroclub LODI and the Aeroclub d’Italia invite all F3C and F3N FAI Pilot to participate at F3CN European Championship for models helicopters.
L’aeroclub di LODI e l’Aeroclub d’Italia Invita tutti i Piloti FAI categoria F3C ed F3N a partecipare al Campionato Europeo di elicotteri radiocomandati .
The competition is for seniors and juniors with a team in class F3C and / or with a team in class F3N.
La competizione è per i Piloti Senior e Junior che competono anche in squadre per il trofeo della nazioni Categorie F3C ed F3N